The Team

Chief RPA Pilot - Steve.

As a person growing up with a passion for aviation, I started out by flying model aircraft of all types. Firstly with free flight but soon progressed into Radio Control, or what is now known as Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA).

I have spent the last forty years honing and developing these remote piloting skills. I fly all types of aircraft, both fixed wing and rotary wing, large and small, electric and fuel powered. Some of the most demanding, and my favorites, are the Scale and Racing facets of the hobby. These last two types of aircraft demand the most of my skills and keep me finely honed.

This journey not only encompassed flying RPA but also building and repairing RPA. I very much enjoy the building repairing process, which has given me many additional and invaluable skill sets that I carry with me into the new Drone Industry.

I have held a MAAA Flight Instructor and MAAA Gold Wings rating for at least 25y. This allows me to fly public demonstrations and also to pass on my skills to the new RPA Pilots of today.

After 32y in the Australian Defence Force the time was right. It was no surprise to me that I would be venturing into the RPA industry. The new off the shelf high performance RPA are now available, making it a viable option for a new business.

So, there it is, my background.

mavic catch